La hora de los laicos: un ejemplo de liderazgo seglar en la peregrinación de obreros españoles a Roma en 1894


  • Enrique Faes Díaz


Spanish Catholicism, León XIII, Claudio López Bru, pilgrimages, catholic church and laity


The Hour of the Laity: An Example of Secular Leadership in the Pilgrimage of Spanish Workers to Rome in 1894

Weakened by political struggles and under the threat of the upsurge of revolutionary ideologies, Spanish militant Catholics organized a great pilgrimage of workers to Pope Leo XIII in April 1894. This journey to Rome, that had important political overtones, was led by businessman Claudio López Bru, second marquis of Comillas, who exemplified the importance of the secular movement in social Catholic action in a difficult moment for the European Church.

Received:  14-02-2005

Author Biography

  • Enrique Faes Díaz

    Enrique Faes Díaz si è laureato in Scienze dell’Informazione presso l’Università Complutense de Madrid e si è dottorato presso il Departamento de Historia Social y del Pensamiento Político dell’UNED con una tesi sulle associazioni imprenditoriali cattoliche durante la Restaurazione. Ha pubblicato studi in diverse riviste specializzate; attualmente usufruisce di una borsa di studio post-dottorato concessa dalla Fundación Caja Madrid nell’area della Storia Sociale.


