La aplicación de la Constitución de Cádiz, 1812-1814


  • Maties Ramisa Verdaguer Università di Vic


The application of the Cadiz Constitution in Catalonia, 1812-1814

This article describes the proclamation of the Cadiz Constitution in the major towns of the patriot area of Catalonia in the summer of 1812, and the harsh ideological controversy erupted later on between conservatives and liberals. The position of the Catalan élites and the reasons for the breakdown in the consensus on the reform are also explored. The article also analyses the implementation of liberal political institutions in the Principality (Jefe Superior Político, Diputación, Audiencia, Ayuntamientos constitucionales), its significance, and the difficult relations between the civil and the military power. Finally, the problematic enforcement of economic freedoms and direct contribution to Catalonia is also dealt with.

Received: 19-07-2011

Author Biography

  • Maties Ramisa Verdaguer, Università di Vic

    Maties Ramisa Verdaguer insegna all’Università di Vic, in Catalogna. Specialista nella storia della guerra dell’Indipendenza, ha pubblicato vari articoli su riviste storiografiche e volumi, tra i quali Polítics i militars a la Guerra del Francès, 1808-1814 (Lérida, Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, 2008).


