L’opposizione cattolica al franchismo: la H.O.A.C. e il giornale “¡Tu!” (1946-1951)
Catholic opposition to Franco’s régime: H.O.A.C. and the “¡Tu!” paper.
The essay studies the Hoac’s (Hermanandad Obrera de Acción Católica) first years of existence, giving special attention to the still unpublished documents in the Association’s central archives, emphasising the “¡Tu!” paper’s role. Originally bom for making possible the foundations of a Catholic union able to fight the influence of the left-influenced’s unions, the Hoac were, in fact, a preparing school for militant Catholic cadres who, some years after, entered the anti- Franco fight.
Copyright (c) 1996 Istituto di studi storici Gaetano Salvemini, Torino
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