Parole e immagini del potere nella Spagna contemporanea: un’analisi linguistica della sovranità rappresentata
Parole e immagini del potere nella Spagna contemporanea: un’analisi linguistica della sovranità rappresentata
The Telefónica Foundation sponsored a photo exhibition and a catalogue about “The Image of Power” (La imagen del poder) in Spain during the XXth Century (from 1898 on). The exhibition and the catalogue offer in fact a series of photoportraits of politicians, kings, generals, etc. Beginning with an analysis of the Italian presentation of the series the article describes the changing perspectives on its topic, by comparing photoportraits with movies, the media and other sources of public iconography. The image of Juan Carlos, the King of post-Francoist and democratic Spain, is chosen and studied as a recent and representative example of it.
Copyright (c) 2002 Istituto di studi storici Gaetano Salvemini, Torino
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