La circulación de las leyendas. La doble norteamericana de Agustina de Aragón
Parole chiave:
eroina, mito, leggenda, donna, guerra d’Indipendenza spagnola, guerra della Rivoluzione americana, viaggiatori inglesi, iconografiaAbstract
The circulation of legends. Agustina de Aragón’s American double
In Spain Agustina de Aragón embodied womanly courage in the war of the Spanish Independence against Napoleonic troops. Despite this, the patriotic myth built around this historical personality had a significant international dimension, as well. The visual representations of this legend circulated all over Europe and even reached the US, where they were imitated to build the country’s own national heroine. This article explores the emergence of the myth in Spain, the role played by British travellers and writers in the dissemination of the story and the traces it left in the United States.
Ricevuto: 20-11-2011
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