Vittorio Scotti Douglas

Vittorio Scotti Douglas (1938), Graduated cum laude in Storia del Risorgimento at Milano’s Università degli Studi (1974). Subject expert at the Universities of Trieste and of Modena.

Since over three decades he has been studying guerrilla warfare, especially the one waged in Spain against Napoleon (1808-1813), exploiting archival sources mainly unpublished in  Spain, France and Italy. He belongs to the Board of Editors of “Spagna contemporanea”, of which he has been  co-ordinator from 2001 to 2009, to the Board of Editors of “Cuadernos del Bicentenario”, and of the Consejo asesor of “Trienio. Ilustración y Liberalismo”. Until  2018 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Turin’s Istituto storico “Gaetano Salvemini”.

Since 1994 he has added to his scholarly researches and publications the task of cultural organizer, planning and staging dozens of important international conferences.

In the fall 1997 he has been visiting professor at the History Department of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (SP) and has also imparted four lessons on guerrilla warfare’s history and development at the Universidade Federal do Paraná in Curitiba (PR).

In October 2006 he has given a Charla Magistral on guerrilla warfare’s birth and development at Lima’s (Perú) Pontificia Universidad Católica.

He integrates the Junta Directiva of the Foro para el Estudio de la Historia Militar de España (FEHME), is a fellow of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) (USA), of the Sociedad Española de Estudios del Siglo XVIII and of the Società Italiana di Studi Militari.

In recognition of his work on spreading Spanish language and culture in Italy, especially in the field of history, in 2013 the King of Spain Juan Carlos I has bestowed upon him the Encomienda of Isabel la Católica Order.


His most recent publications, excluding articles and essays.

Spagna e Regno di Sardegna dal 1814 al 1860. Studi, inventari e documenti inediti, Alessandria, 2011;

Alfonso Botti, Marco Cipolloni, Vittorio Scotti Douglas (eds.), Ispanismo internazionale e circolazione delle storiografie negli anni della democrazia spagnola (1978-2000), Soveria Mannelli,  2014;

Fernando García Sanz, Vittorio Scotti Douglas, Romano Ugolini, José Ramón Urquijo Goitia (eds.), Cadice e oltre: Costituzione, Nazione e Libertà. La carta gaditana nel bicentenario della sua promulgazione, Atti del Convegno internazionale, Roma 12-14 dicembre 2012, Roma, 2015