Condiciones de trabajo, formación de clases y organización sindical: los sindicatos de tipógrafos y albañiles en Madrid (1888-1923)


  • Henrike Fesefeldt Università di Bielefeld


Working conditions, class formation and union organization: the unions of typographers and building workers in Madrid. (1888-1923)

Capitalist development would slowly change the organizational patterns of Madrid’s masons and typographers, along a differentiating process that began at the turn of the century, when masons associateci themselves in a class union in order to connier more effectively the employers’ drive, whereas typographers remained more in line with the gremialist tradition and contributed less to the radicalization of conflicts.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Henrike Fesefeldt, Università di Bielefeld

    Henrike Fesefeldt è impegnata in un dottorato di ricerca sulla comparazione dei movimenti sindacali spagnoli con quelli europei all’Università di Bielefeld. Si occupa di storia economico-sociale.




Cómo citar

“Condiciones de trabajo, formación de clases y organización sindical: los sindicatos de tipógrafos y albañiles en Madrid (1888-1923)”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 4, pp. 49–83, Dec. 1993, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: