Le confessioni religiose non cattoliche in Spagna: dal franchismo alla democrazia


  • Nieves Montesinos Università di Alicante.


The Non-Catholic Creeds in Spain from Franco’s Régime to Democracy.

The study, where the juridic slant prevails, hegins with an analysis of the Non-Catholic creeds during Franco’s Spain, giving also some brief notes about the Second Republic situation. After having studied the consequences of the Leyes Fundamentales, of the 1953 Concordat with the Holy See and of the Law on public order, it dwells on the Transition and the after Franco period. Here it studies which is the role given by the 1978 Constitution to religion and the different creeds, with a special emphasis on the 1980 law which paved the way for the agreements and pacts with the different creeds, later approved in 1992.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Nieves Montesinos, Università di Alicante.

    Nieves Montesinos insegna Diritto ecclesiastico presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Alicante.



Cómo citar

“Le confessioni religiose non cattoliche in Spagna: dal franchismo alla democrazia”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 8, pp. 85–104, Dec. 1995, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/779