Recuperando Dios y libertad: una memoria inédita de Concepción Arenal


  • María José Lacalzada de Mateo Universidad de Zaragoza.


Recuperando Dios y libertad: una memoria inédita de Concepción Arenal

When in 1858 Concepción Arenal wrote Dios y Libertad, she pretended that Liberals and Catholics left their political struggle in the background, putting forth the human beings’ wellbeing. The idea was a failure, and the book was never published during the Author’s life. We have in it another tile of Concepción Arenal’s heritage, following her Liberal-Enlightened humanism which seeks through freedom to foster equality and expand wealth in an harmonious way.

Biografía del autor/a

  • María José Lacalzada de Mateo, Universidad de Zaragoza.

    María José Lacalzada de Mateo ha conseguito il dottorato in Storia contemporanea presso la Universidad de Zaragoza nel 1991 con una tesi su Concepción Arenal, poi pubblicata nel 1994 con il titolo Mentalidad y proyección social de Concepción Arenal


