El exilio Español en México ante la transición política


  • Inmaculada Cordero Olivero Università di Siviglia


El exilio Español en México ante la transición política

Many pages have been written on the exile’s forgetfulness, on the debt incurred by democratic Spain towards those who left in 1939, and on exiles’ impossibility and inability to reinstate themselves in a country so much different from the one they left in the Thirties. Along these lines the present work pretends to an understanding of such estrangement, studying how the exiles lived these crucial years, how they understood the agreement and the political reform, the Spaniards’ attitude and that of the political parties, the King’s role. Through oral and written sources the Author seeks to discover how the Spanish exiles in México knew and interpreted what was happening in the Peninsula between 1975 and 1982, so that, having reached a conclusion, it would be possible to understand why they did feel alien to a Spain that they knew no more.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Inmaculada Cordero Olivero, Università di Siviglia

    Inmaculada Cordero Olivero si è laureata in storia presso l’Università di Siviglia e si è addottorata nello stesso ateneo con una tesi su La imagen de España en México, attualmente in corso di stampa. Dopo un periodo all’Università di Huelva, insegna attualmente Storia delle relazioni internazionali contemporanee presso il Departamento de Historia II dell’Università di Siviglia. Si occupa anche dell’esilio, argomento sul quale ha pubblicato numerosi articoli su diverse riviste.




Cómo citar

“El exilio Español en México ante la transición política”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 27, pp. 125–145, Jul. 2005, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/448