Walter Ghia

As a teacher and then director of the Secondary School, I completed my professional path at the University of Molise, teaching the History of Political Thought, and the History of Political Institutions.

Two themes have always distinguished my research activity.
a. The ideologies and theories of nationalism. The book on Ortega y Gasset's political thought is located in this area, as well as essays of recent years, among them the one on Eugenio d'Ors.
b. The relationship between religion and politics in the early modern age. You can read, in this sense, the book on Francisco de Quevedo, as well as one on Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, and the essays contained in Para una Historia de Maquiavelo en España. A quinientos años de la redacción del Príncipe.

My texts often deal with Spanish authors. I would like to point out that my purpose, as a historian of political thought, has never been to emphasize Spanish thought specifically, until it becomes a supposed exceptionality. Rather, in my research, I often underline the profound analogies that mark the Iberian culture, in the never interrupted with other cultural areas of Europe.