Nicola Del Corno

Nicola Del Corno is Associate Professor of History of Political Doctrines at the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Milan. He mainly dealt with the Italian reactionary movement in the 19th century; of Spanish Carlism; by Ruggiero Bonghi and Italian liberalism of the late nineteenth century; of Carlo Rosselli and the Milanese socialism of the first half of the 20th century; and youth countercultures of the late 20th century.

He is deputy editor of the "Rivista storica del socialismo – nuova serie"; he is part of the editorial board of the review “Spagna Contemporanea”, and of the scientific committee of the review “Il Risorgimento”. He is a member of the editorial committees of the series “Storia, politica, società”, published by Biblion edizioni; “Il cattivo esempio: società, economia, politica”, published by Milieu edizioni; "Historica", published at Jouvence. He is a member of the scientific committee of the “Fondazione Kuliscioff” of Milan, of the “Fondo Piazza Fontana e Giuseppe Pinelli” at the Centro Studi Libertari / Archivio G. Pinelli in Milan and of “Moicana. Center studi sulle controculutre".  He is a member of the Italian Association of Historians of Political Doctrines (AISDP).

His most recent books include: Giovani, socialisti, democratici. La breve esperienza di “Libertà” (1924-1925), Biblion edizioni, 2016; Italia reazionaria. Uomini e idee dell’antirisorgimento, Bruno Mondadori, 2017; Nous, nous aimons le passé. L’utopie réactionnaire dans l’Italie du Risorgimento, Editions Mimésis, 2017; Spagna controrivoluzionaria. Il “Manifiesto de los Persas” (1814), Edizioni dell’Orso, 2019