Mireno Berrettini

Mireno Berrettini received his doctorate at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan where he is currently full professor of History of International Relations and Institutions. His research interests focus on the evolutionary dynamics of the international system, the relations between anti-fascism, the Italian Resistance and the British political world. He is also interested in issues related to the Church and Spanish Catholicism. Among his essays: From Accomplice to Victim: Catholic Church, Spanish Civil War and Collective Memory (2016), A Pastoral Care for Reconciliation? Spanish Catholic Bishops and Historical Memory during the Zapatero Era” (2004-2011) (2017) e Catechismi patriottici e devozionari militari. Il nazionalcattolicesimo spagnolo tra sacralizzazione della politica e politicizzazione della religione (1898-1939) (2018).
