Raccomandazioni e suppliche per una casa: la Obra Sindical del Hogar a Madrid negli anni Quaranta e Cinquanta


  • Luca Guiducci Università di San Marino


Obra Sindical del Hogar, Officials, Francoism, Madrid, Viviendas protegidas, National Delegation of Trade Union


Recommendations and Pleas for an Obra Sindical del Hogar’s House in Madrid in the 1940s and 1950s

In the years following the Spanish Civil War, Francisco Franco’s regime tried to mitigate the difficulties that those who had supported the Alzamiento Nacional living in Madrid encountered when buying a house or finding one to live in for rent. A special organization, the Obra Sindical del Hogar (OSH), was created to direct the resources of the State towards the construction of economical houses, the so-called viviendas protegidas, trying to give an answer. However, the OSH did not meet expectations, leading many citizens to seek alternatives in order to receive a house from the organization, by contacting directly with the upper echelons of the regime through letters of supplication and recommendation.

Received: 18-10-2021

Admitted: 20-04-2022


Author Biography

  • Luca Guiducci, Università di San Marino

    Luca Guiducci è dottorando in Scienze Storiche (XIV Ciclo 2019-2022) presso la Scuola di Studi Storici della Università della Repubblica di San Marino in cotutela con la Universidad Autónoma di Madrid. I suoi temi di ricerca si concentrano sull’analisi delle politiche abitative del regime franchista in Spagna, tra anni ’40 e anni ’70 del Novecento.

