Il Ministero Nenni e i rapporti italo-spagnoli, 1946-1947: tra antifranchismo e logiche della Guerra fredda


  • Pablo del Hierro Università di Maastricht


Pietro Nenni, Italy-Spain relations, Anti-Francoism, Cold War


The Nenni Ministry and Italian-Spanish Relations, 1946-1947: Between Anti-Francoism and the Logic of the Cold War

This essay aims to investigate the role played by Pietro Nenni in Italian-Spanish relations during his first period as Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, between October 1946 and February 1947. Although the Emilian politician did not remain in office for more than four months, Spain was one of the points on which Nenni tried to leave a more personal mark, touching on the idea of introducing important changes in the policy adopted until then by the Christian Democracy headed by Alcide de Gasperi. Therefore, this contribution is part of the Italian foreign policy in the years of the first executive of the Republic constituted after the referendum of June 2, 1946. Furthermore, this article helps us to better understand not only the Italy-Spain relations after the Second World War, but also brings us closer to one of the most important political figures of 20th-century Italy. Finally, Nenni’s ini- tiatives towards Spain are part of the complex international context of the time. In fact, this essay will show how the ambitions of the socialist politician were limited both by the Potsdam resolution, which had already sanctioned the principle of non- intervention in Spanish affairs in August 1945, and by the directives of the great powers that did not want a radical break with the regime of Franco.

Received: 01/08/2020

Admitted: 04/09/2021

Author Biography

  • Pablo del Hierro, Università di Maastricht

    Pablo del Hierro è professore di Storia presso l’Università di Maastricht. Ha conseguito il Dottorato presso l’Istituto Universitario Europeo di Firenze. Si specializza in relazioni internazionali durante la Guerra fredda, con particolare attenzione al processo di decolonizzazione e alla storia politica del XX secolo, concentrandosi sui movimenti di destra e sul neofascismo. Tra le sue recenti pubblicazioni: The Neofascist Network and Madrid, 1945-1953: From City of Refuge to Transnational Hub and Centre of Operations, in “Contemporary European History”; The End of the Affair: The International Dispute over the Deportation of Degrelle from Spain to Belgium, 1945-1946, in “The International History Review”; Spanish-Italian Relations and the Influence of the Major Powers 1943-1957, London, Palgrave, 2015.



How to Cite

“Il Ministero Nenni e i rapporti italo-spagnoli, 1946-1947: tra antifranchismo e logiche della Guerra fredda”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 60, pp. 65–90, Mar. 2022, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: