Le due repubbliche. Aspirazioni e realizzazioni del catalanismo politico (1931-1935)


  • Sandro Tomà


The two Republics. Desires and results of political Catalanism (1931-1935).

In Spain at the beginning of the Thirties two conceptions about the State’s nature, two ways of making politics, and finally two ideas of Republic clashed one against the other. The essay studies the Catalan problem, one of the many still opened files, with its contribution to the rich and troubleful debate on the Spanish Second Republic’s Constitution, and on the best solution to the autonomies’ problem. Which was the path to be trodden: independence, federalism, political autonomy, and which were the means to be adopted? The final decision, sufferingly arrived at through mediations and extraordinary events, concluded excluding the first two options.

Author Biography

  • Sandro Tomà

    Sandro Tomà si è laureato in Scienze politiche presso l’Università di Firenze nell’A.A. 1994/95 con una tesi in Storia contemporanea dal titolo L’autonomia catalana: aspirazioni e realizzazioni della quale è stato relatore il prof. Luigi Lotti.


