The Postwar Period in Spain in the Italian and Vatican Papers: the Hypothesis of a Spanish Christian Democracy in the Perspective of the Monarchical Transition (1945-1950)


  • Marialuisa Lucia Sergio Università di Roma Tre


Francoist Regime, Pius XII, Postwar Period, Monarchical Transition, Christian Democracy, Holy See


The Postwar Period in Spain in the Italian and Vatican Papers: the Hypothesis of a Spanish Christian Democracy in the Perspective of the Monarchical Transition (1945-1950)

After the Second World War, Catholics are called to undo the problematic and unresolved knot of the relationship between religious vision and democracy. This process appears particularly complex in the context of Spain – a Mediterranean outpost of Catholicism and anti-communism – conditioned both by religious dynamics and by international interdependencies. This contribution, based on the documentation of the Vatican Secretariat of State, available for consultation from March 2020 after the opening of the archives of the Pontificate of Pius XII, and of that of the Embassy of Italy to the Holy See (not published in the Diplomatic Documents series Italians), analyzes the attitude of the Holy See towards the Spanish situation, suspended between different and incompatible political options: the recognition of the republican government in exile, the acceptance of Franco’s status quo, the monarchical transition. The contribution focuses above all on the hypothesis of the creation of a Spanish Christian Democracy on the Italian model; hypothesis considered with particular interest by the diplomacy of the Farnesina.

Received: 06/12/2020

Admitted: 24/04/2021


Author Biography

  • Marialuisa Lucia Sergio, Università di Roma Tre

    Marialuisa Lucia Sergio insegna Storia contemporanea e Storia dell’Europa presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università Roma Tre. È membro del Collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di ricerca in Teoria e ricerca educativa e sociale di Roma Tre, del Consiglio scientifico delle Edizioni Studium e del Comitato direttivo del Centro Studi Europei e internazionali dell’Università della Tuscia. Ha conseguito il Dottorato di ricerca in Storia dei Partiti e dei Movimenti politici, l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale di Professore associato in Storia contemporanea e in Storia delle Istituzioni e delle Dottrine politiche e il ruolo di RTDb. Tra le sue pubblicazioni più recenti: La Convenzione ONU sui diritti dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza tra storia e futuro (Roma Tre Press, 2020); Diario di Alcide De Gasperi 1930-1943 (il Mulino, 2018); La diplomazia delle due sponde del Tevere: Aggiornamento conciliare e democrazia nelle transizioni internazionali (1965-1975) (Studium, 2018).




How to Cite

“The Postwar Period in Spain in the Italian and Vatican Papers: the Hypothesis of a Spanish Christian Democracy in the Perspective of the Monarchical Transition (1945-1950)”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 59, pp. 187–209, Oct. 2021, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: