De la burbuja a la pandemia. Plural spain and the crisis of the autonomies, between Europeanism and Euroscepticisms


  • Marco Cipolloni Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia


Europe, Spain, Anti-europeanism, Bilingualism, National pride, Independence.


De la burbuja a la pandemia. Plural spain and the crisis of the autonomies, betwe- en Europeanism and Euroscepticisms

The main focus of the present paper is on the reframing of Europeanism in Spain, according to the bitter evolution Spanish institutionalized polycentrism experienced as a consequence of 2007 economical crisis. Frames and tricks of a Euro-skeptikal modulation began to emerge in the public discourse and propaganda, within many documents, texts and messages produced and spread by regional institutions, movements and parties. Some neological items, among them the rich series of new compound words introduced with and by the Euro currency in order to describe its mechanisms and benefits, experienced a semantic shift, from marketing into marking, from fair into unfair depiction, and from a positive into a mostly negative connotation. This evolution has been driven introducing more than a touch of nationalism and independentism. In each Autonomy (the way regional institution are named in Spain), and more in the Autonomies with a regional language protected and promoted as co-official, a bitter season of lexical stress began... a words’ war that is still ongoing, into a dead-end wherein a way out seem to be expecially hard to find.

Received: 22-04-2021

Admitted: 29-05-2021

Author Biography

  • Marco Cipolloni, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

    Marco Cipolloni è professore ordinario di Lingua cultura e istituzioni dei paesi di lingua spagnola presso il Dipartimento di studi linguistici e culturalidell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Traduttore di narrativa e saggistica (di storia culturale, urbana ed economica) e storico del cinema spagnolo e ispanoamericano, ha pubblicato saggi e monografie su numerosi temi di storia, letteratura, teatro e cinema della Spagna e dell’America latina. Oltre a essere redattore di “Spagna contemporanea”, collabora attivamente a riviste di cinema (“La Magnifica Ossessione”, “Letra/Imagen”), teatro (“Theatralia”), linguistica e letteratura (“Quaderni iberoamericani”).




How to Cite

“De la burbuja a la pandemia. Plural spain and the crisis of the autonomies, between Europeanism and Euroscepticisms”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 59, pp. 79–120, Oct. 2021, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available:

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