Las relaciones entre la Internacional Comunista y el PSUC durante el conflicto de 1936-39


  • Josep Puigsech Farràs Università Autonoma di Barcellona


Las relaciones entre la Internacional comunista y el PSUC durante el conflicto de 1936-39.

The article, based on the unpublished documents from the Russian archives, studies the relationships between the Communist International and the PSUC (Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya) during the Civil War of 1936-1939. It looks into the motives and the sense of the PSUC bound with the International, but also tells the initial reserve and distrust of the International towards the PSUC, and how later the International tried to convert the PSUC into a Communist Party. The paper also informs about the conditioning factors of the relationships between the PSUC and the Spanish Communist Party (Partido Comunista de España) within the International’s common frame.

Author Biography

  • Josep Puigsech Farràs, Università Autonoma di Barcellona

    Josep Puigsech Farràs fa parte del Dipartimento di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea dell’Università Autonoma di Barcellona. Svolge attualmente ricerche per la tesi di dottorato che verte sul movimento operaio catalano con particolare attenzione ai rapporti sul piano internazionale.


