L’anarcosindacalista Joan Peiró: un profilo biografico (1887- 1942)


  • Susanna Moscardini


L’anarcosindacalista Joan Peiró: un profilo biografico (1887-1942)

Little is known about Joan Peiró’s character, a leader of the Catalan anarchosindycalism who had on the contrary a very important role within CNT, the Spanish anarchist union. He was one of the chief characters of the said union split and, most of all, one of the four anarchist who entered, as Industry’s Minister, the Spanish Republic’s government during the Civil Warcome. The article is mainly biographical and tries to show the anarchist’s political education and his role within the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo.

Author Biography

  • Susanna Moscardini

    Susanna Moscardini si è laureata in Storia della Spagna contemporanea all’Università di Trieste con una tesi su Joan Peiró. Attualmente continua ad occuparsi della storia del movimento libertario e sindacale spagnolo, specialmente per quanto riguarda gli anni Trenta.




How to Cite

“L’anarcosindacalista Joan Peiró: un profilo biografico (1887- 1942) ”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 15, pp. 7–22, Jul. 1999, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/640