Clientelismo e historia política: algunas puntualizaciones sobre viejos temas


  • Xosé R. Veiga Alonso Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


Clientelismo e historia política: algunas puntualizaciones sobre viejos temas

The article aims at a new and innovating approach at some of the main aspects embodied in the binomial formed by political history and patronage system. After examining in its most meaningful aspects the contents of the socalled nueva historia política, the Author stresses some points about the centreperiphery relationships’ problem in Nineteenth Century’s Spain, and then focuses his attention on one of the most interesting aspects of the political life of these years: the patronage system relationships.

Author Biography

  • Xosé R. Veiga Alonso, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

    Xosé R. Veiga è Dottore in storia contemporanea e insegna questa disciplina all’Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Ha studiato, attraverso la figura del conte di Pallares, il progresso, la stampa e le ferrovie in Galicia. Un altro filone delle sue ricerche è quello sul clientelismo. Su questi temi ha pubblicato diversi articoli e saggi.


