Las Juntas Criminales de Castilla-León y su postura ante los gobiernos militares franceses durante la Guerra de la Independencia
Las Juntas Criminales de Castilla-León y su postura ante los gobiernos militares franceses durante la Guerra de la Independencia
The Juntas Criminales Extraordinarias were thought as an instrument of power of José I’s Government agains the abuses by the French summary military justice. To support this statement the essay studies the instalment of these Assemblies dependig on the degree of acceptance by the French military in Burgos, Soria and León. Likewise the Author shows how the Government struggled to maintain the justice under its power against the allied influence. Finally, there is an outline of the Josefine project to create new tribunals in order to transform the Juntas into a kind of Chancery to the detriment of the judiciary prerogatives tied to the Old Regime.
Copyright (c) 2001 Istituto di studi storici Gaetano Salvemini, Torino
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