El mito de Garibaldi en el anarquismo español


  • Teresa Abelló Güell Universidad de Barcelona


El mito de Garibaldi en el anarquismo español

The article studies the kind of influence that Garibaldi had on the Spanish anarchists at the end of the XIXth Century analysing the homage rendered by the Catalonia’s anarchist leaders after his death. The Author continues looking into the leaders’ identification with the garibaldinian stance, and also into the anarchist’s model they spread around and fought for. So we can see that some of these lea- ders fostered some liberal principles that they wanted to make compatible with Bakunin’s internationalism.

Author Biography

  • Teresa Abelló Güell , Universidad de Barcelona

    Teresa Abelló Güell si è addottorata ad Amsterdam presso lo IISG, e insegna alla Facultad de Geografía e Historia della Universidad de Barcelona. Ha orientato le proprie ricerche sul movimento operaio spagnolo e in particolare sull’anarcosindacalismo catalano. Oltre a numerosi articoli, i suoi libri più recenti sono Les relacions internacionals de l’anarquisme català (1881-1914) (Barcelona, 1987) e El movimiento obrero en España, siglos XIX y XX (Barcelona, 1997).


