Tres artículos de Niceto Alcalá Zamora y Torres olvidados en la prensa suiza, 1937


  • Miguel Ángel García de Juan IES Rosa Chacel (Madrid)


Alcalá Zamora, exile, France, “Journal Genève”, recovered articles


Three Articles by Niceto Alcalá Zamora y Torres Forgotten in the Swiss Press, 1937

The main purpose of this work is the recovery of three articles by Niceto Alcalá Zamora, Second Spanish Republic first president. These writings were published in the Swiss newspaper “Journal de Genève” at the beginning of 1937, when the Andalusian politician was living his second year of voluntary exile in France as a consequence of the Civil War. He had to survive there fundamentally with what he had obtained from his collaborations in the European and American press. In many of them, as in those that are rescued here from oblivion, he narrated his dismissal as Head of State on 7th April 1936 and expressed his severely negative opinions about his colleagues in the political world of the time. In order to set the circumstances in which don Niceto composed these writings, it has seemed appropriate to include the section “Contexto de la redacción de los artículos” before moving on to the Spanish translation of the articles.

Received: 02-03-2020

Admitted: 29-06-2020


Author Biography

  • Miguel Ángel García de Juan, IES Rosa Chacel (Madrid)

    Miguel Ángel García de Juan è dottore in filologia ispanica presso la Università Complutense di Madrid. La sua tesi è stata pubblicata nel 1997 con il titolo Los cuentos de Pío Baroja: creación, recepción y discurso. Concentrando la sua ricerca sulla vita e l’opera dello scrittore basco, ha tenuto conferenze e scritto articoli su riviste scientifiche nazionali e internazionali relative alla sua personalità e alla sua creazione letteraria. Nel 2016 ha pubblicato Las Guerras Carlista en el valle de Mena y su resonancia en Pío Baroja y Benito Pérez Galdós. Ha collaborato con diverse riviste, quali “Hispania Sacra”; “Aportes”; “Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea”; “Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie V Historia Contemporánea”; “Studia histórica. Historia Contemporánea”. Attualmente è professore di Lingua e Letteratura Spagnola presso l’IES “Rosa Chacel” di Madrid.


