L’antiamericanismo durante la transizione. Gli Stati Uniti secondo “Triunfo” (1976-1982)


  • Alessandro Seregni École des Hautes Études di Parigi


“Triunfo”, “Triunfo”, Anti-Americanism, Anti-Americanism, motivations, motivations, Francoism, Francoism


Anti-Americanism during the transition. The United States according to "Triunfo" (1976-1982)

This study explores the basic characteristics and motivations that lie behind the anti-American feeling of a significant part of the Spanish public opinion at that time. To this end, the Author analyzes the judgements on America expressed by “Triunfo”, the reference magazine for anti-Franco dissidents and, since 1976, the weekly appointment for all those who felt close — due to militancy or simple political passion — to opposition parties and trade union forces. The article also investigates whether this widespread hostility against the United States only stemmed from the memory of the 1953 Pacts signed between Spain and the USA — which significantly helped the Franco regime to survive — or anti-Americanism was more deeply rooted. In the latter case, the connection between Washington and Madrid would not be the only reason, but rather one of the motivations of anti-Americanism in Spain.

Received: 13-12-2004

Author Biography

  • Alessandro Seregni, École des Hautes Études di Parigi

    Alessandro Seregni, laureato in Lettere Moderne all’Università Cattolica di Milano, è attualmente dottorando all’École des Hautes Étude en Sciences Sociales di Parigi. Collaboratore di “Spagna contemporanea”, sta per pubblicare, per la casa editrice madrilena Síntesis, un volume sulla storia dell’antiamericanismo in Spagna.


