La discusión parlamentaria del régimen provisional de Catalunya (octubre 1934-enero 1935)


  • Arnau Gonzàlez i Vilalta Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona


Cortes, parliamentary minorities, Statute, Catalonia


The discussione parlamentare del regime provvisorio della Catalogna (October 1934-Gennaio 1935)

This article analyzes the various stances maintained in the republican Cortes by parliamentary minorities regarding the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, after October 6th, 1934. The discussion on the future of the Catalan autonomy, on its consolidation or repeal within the republican constitutional system, spurred a wide debate on the relations between Catalonia and Spain, which was stopped with the suspension of the Statute and the instauration of a special Regime in January 1935.

Received: 19-07-2004


Author Biography

  • Arnau Gonzàlez i Vilalta, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

    Arnau Gonzàlez i Vilalta sta preparando il dottorato presso l’Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona con una ricerca sulla rappresentanza parlamentare catalana alle Cortes Generales spagnole (1901-2004). Ha pubblicato articoli su diverse riviste storiche.




How to Cite

“La discusión parlamentaria del régimen provisional de Catalunya (octubre 1934-enero 1935)”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 29, pp. 25–44, Jul. 2006, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: