El caciquismo político en la Cataluña de la Restauración. El caso de Manresa, 1875-1923


  • Maria Gemma Rubí i Casals Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Caciquismo, Democracy, Political life, Catalunya, Bourbon restoration, Political class


The political caciquismo in the Catalonia of the Restoration. The case of Manresa, 1875-1923

The purpose of this article is to deal with a subject that has been scarcely studied in the Catalan historiography: the slow transition from liberal regimes to democracy. This phenomenon is analysed through a case study — the political system of the town of Manresa (Catalonia, Spain), regarded as an archetype of the medium-sized town of the urban industrial fabric of Catalonia during the Bourbon Restoration (1875-1923). The empirical study conducted in this local framework enables us to define a transition model from elite to mass politics that may be extrapolated to other Catalan towns of a similar size. This model combines different elements, among which the following should be underlined: the progress of representative vote; the development of mass politics and a certain political pluralism; the capacity for mobilization demonstrated by political Catholicism; the importance of cliental relationships and the emergence of a new-style cliental patronage, connected with party interests.

Received:  15-09-2005

Author Biography

  • Maria Gemma Rubí i Casals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

    Maria Gemma Rubí i Casals si è addottorata in Histoire et Civilisations presso l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (ÉHESS) di Parigi. È altresì Dottore in Storia moderna presso l’Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Attualmente lavora come ricercatrice nel programma Juan de la Cierva della UAB. Ha insegnato in altre Università di Barcellona (Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona e Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). È specialista in storia della transizione dal liberalismo alla democrazia in Catalogna. I suoi lavori più recenti sono: Entre el vot i la recomanació. Partits, mobilització electoral i canvi polític. Manresa, 1899-1923 (1995) e La menjadora municipal. El caciquismo i el despertar de la política de masses (2005).


