«Gli occhi sono puntati con ammirazione e speranza verso la CNT». Gli anarcosindacalisti della Repubblica di Weimar e la Spagna (1921-1933)


  • David Bernardini Università degli Studi di Milano


Weimar, Spain between the wars, Anarchism, Syndacalism


«Gli occhi sono puntati con ammirazione e speranza verso la CNT». The Anarcho-syndacalists of the Weimar Republic and Their Link with Spain

This piece wishes to outline the specific role played by the link between the Spanish anarchism in the analysis and the production of the FAUD(AS), the main german anarchist organization in the Weimar Republic, through the journals and the documents in the Berliner Bundesarchiv. It talks about a series of events that constitute in a certain way the “pre-history” of German anarchosyndicalists’s activism during the Spanish civil war and of an experience as it was the DAS (Deutsche Anarcho-Syndikalisten) Group, created by exiles in Barcelona in 1934.

Received: 08-11-2019

Admitted: 15-12-2019

Author Biography

  • David Bernardini, Università degli Studi di Milano

    David Bernardini is PhD in History of Europe from the University of Teramo. His studies focus mainly on different aspects of Germany's political history between the two world wars. In addition to various essays and reviews published in various historiographic journals, he published a study dedicated to the figure of the anarchist Rudolf Rocker and a work on national symbolscevism in the Weimar Republic. He is a contract professor at the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Milan and is part of the editorial staff of the "Rivista storica del socialismo"




How to Cite

“«Gli occhi sono puntati con ammirazione e speranza verso la CNT». Gli anarcosindacalisti della Repubblica di Weimar e la Spagna (1921-1933)”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 56, pp. 101–127, Dec. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/35