I socialisti baschi e il dialogo con l’ETA durante la transizione alla democrazia. 1976-1979


  • Andrea Miccichè Università “Kore” di Enna


ETA, Transition, Basque Socialists, terrorism, negotiations


The Basque socialists and dialogue with ETA during the transition to democracy 1976-1980

In the Transition, the gap widened between the pro-Spanish left identified with the Euskadi Socialist Party and the radical and independentist left, close to the two main ETA arms, the military and the political-military one. Solidarity between anti-Francoist forces gradually waned due the unexpected developments of the transition process. The idea of “breaking up” with Francoism was gradually re- placed by a negotiated transition, moderated by forced oblivion of past clashes. The radical Basque nationalism, ETA’s terrorist offensive and coup plots on the part of conservative sectors of the army were the factors causing constant instability and danger in this process. The wave of violence which hit the Basque provinces in those years placed the local political forces before an unexpected situation, while the Basque issue was becoming one of the central factors in the democratization process. In particular, the Basque socialists, after their success at the 1977 polls, led several initiatives to bring the Basque nationalist left and ETA back to democratic dialogue. However, their idea that the terrorist problem was a “political” problem was put into question by the failure of all initiatives and an unprecedented escalation of violence. The article examines the steps of this process and the perspectives, doubts, hesitations and disillusionment of the young Basque political leaders.

Received:  26-03-2007

Author Biography

  • Andrea Miccichè, Università “Kore” di Enna

    Andrea Micciché si è addottorato in Storia Contemporanea all’Università di Catania con una tesi dal titolo: I socialisti baschi e la transizione alla democrazia nei Paesi baschi (1977-1980).
    Si occupa di storia della Spagna Contemporanea dedicando particolare attenzione allo studio della transizione alla democrazia, al nazionalismo basco, alla storia del partito socialista spagnolo, alla Guerra civile e al ruolo dei cattolici durante il franchismo.




How to Cite

“ I socialisti baschi e il dialogo con l’ETA durante la transizione alla democrazia. 1976-1979”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 34, pp. 67–85, Dec. 2008, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/332