La construcción de modelos de prohombre en el liberalismo isabelino


  • Juan Antonio Inarejos Muñoz Università di Castilla-La Mancha


forme di azione politica, Regno di Isabel II, suffragio limitato, partiti politici, biografie


Archetypes of Notables building in the liberalism of Isabel the Second’s age

The main line of analysis of this article is the elaboration by various liberal political cultures of Isabel the second’s Kingdom of heroes and archetypes, which were taken as references for collective identities. This analysis refers to the first political parties of the provinces that are now part of Castilla-La Mancha. Farming and rural provinces, like almost all of middle nineteenth century Spain, constitute a practically non-explored historical field to study in depth the liberal leaderships of the province’s political class.

Author Biography

  • Juan Antonio Inarejos Muñoz, Università di Castilla-La Mancha

    Juan Antonio Inarejos Muñoz è Dottore di ricerca in Storia contemporanea presso l’Università di Castilla-La Mancha e nell’attualità gode di una borsa post-dottorato presso il Centre de Recherches Historiques dell’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris (2007-2009). Ha pubblicato Ciudadanos, pro- pietarios y electores en la construcción del liberalismo español. El caso las provincias castellano-manchegas, 1854-1868 (Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2008).


