Las Congregaciones religiosas femeninas en el XIX. El tema de la obtención de su nuevo estatuto jurídico canónico y su interés historiográfico


  • Ana Yetano Laguna UAB di Barcellona


feminine Congregations, new statute, jurisdiction, social change, women’s condition change, women’s religious life, constitutions of the congregations


Feminine religious Congregations in the 19th century. The achievement of a new canonical juridical status and its historiographic significance

The so-called “new” feminine religious congregations of the 19th century are highly innovative, undoubtedly as regard women’s religious life, but also in terms of their presence in the Catholic society and their labour as well as personal em- powerment. The article explores a significant — although neglected — issue regarding these important institutions. It is the long and complex process aimed at obtaining a new juridical and canonical status from Rome in the 19th century. The lengthy debate that took place between congregations and the two poles of Rome is tackled. These two poles are the clerical establishment, who encouraged a centralization and homogenization policy on the one hand, and on the other hand the congregations committed to their consolidation and expansion in a society in transition. As a result, substantial portions of the rules and constitutions of this congregations were codified.

Received: 28-10-2009

Author Biography

  • Ana Yetano Laguna, UAB di Barcellona

    Ana Yetano Laguna insegna nel Departamento de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea della UAB di Barcellona. Le sue ricerche si sono concentrate sulle congregazioni religiose femminili del XIX secolo nel loro doppio aspetto di comunità di vita religiosa conventuale e di lavoro sociale. Sull’argomento ha pubblicato numerosi articoli in riviste e atti di convegni. Il più recente è Mujeres, vida asociativa religiosa y sociedad civil. Catalunya, siglo XIX, projecte social. Reconeixement a una trajectòria, Barcelona, 2004.


