Antifranchismo e protezione dello Stato in Svizzera


  • Moisés Prieto University of Zurich


Late-Francoist Spain, repression, Communist threat, Switzerland, Francoist regime, State Protection Police (Staatsschutz)


Anti-Francoism and state protection in Switzerland

Social unrest in late-Francoist Spain brought about an intensification of the regime’s repressive action. In order to watch over the allegedly subversive activities of its citizens and minimize the risk of the Communist threat, even democratic Switzerland did not hesitate in using its State Protection Police (Staatsschutz) to keep an eye on people and groups that openly expressed their opposition to the Francoist regime in Switzerland.

Received: 14-03-2010

Author Biography

  • Moisés Prieto, University of Zurich

    Moisés Prieto ha studiato linguistica romanza comparativa e storia presso l’Università di Zurigo, con soggiorni all’Università di Oporto (2002) e alla Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (2004/05). Ha pubblicato “El fascismo también nos concierne a nosotros”. Organizaciones y manifestaciones de solidaridad suizas con el antifranquismo español (1970-1976), in R. Quirosa-Cheyrouze y Muñoz, M. Fernández Amador (eds.), IV Congreso internacional Historia de la Transición en España, Sociedad y movimientos sociales, Almería 2-6 noviembre 2009, Almería (sin editorial), 2009, pp. 1155-1172; e Militärprozesse und Hinrichtungen des späten Franco-Regimes im Spiegel Schweizer Medien (1970-1975), in “Rivista Storica Svizzera”, 2010, n. 60, pp. 84-96.




How to Cite

“Antifranchismo e protezione dello Stato in Svizzera”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 39, pp. 31–49, Jul. 2011, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: