La Guerra de Napoleón en Navarra (1808-1814)


  • Francisco Miranda Rubio Università di Saragozza e Pública di Navarra


War of the Spanish Independence, Old Regime, Reign of Navarra, Napoleon, French military authorities


Napoleon’s War in Navarra (1808-1814)

The War of the Spanish Independence is one of the milestones of the Spanish history. In those years a new society emerged which rejected the institutions of the Old Regime. In Navarra the people’s insurrection burst out in Estella and Tudela in July 1808, triggered by the support given by general Palafox from Saragossa. The control of Tudela was essential for the French, who wanted to rule the mid-Ebro valley and Saragossa. After crushing the armed resistance, the French occupied the whole territory of Navarra, bringing the old Reign of Navarra to an end. The administration of the Reign was replaced by a French-style administration. In spite of this, this institutional change consolidated as late as 1810. This is when Navarra separated from the authority of Joseph I and was put under the direct rule of Napoleon through the French generals who occupied the respective Navarra military authorities. The institutions of the Reign of Navarra were restored when Fernando VII was back on the throne.

Received: 23-08-2010

Author Biography

  • Francisco Miranda Rubio, Università di Saragozza e Pública di Navarra

    Francisco Miranda Rubio insegna nella Escuela Universitaria delle Università di Saragozza e Pública di Navarra. Dal 1986 dirige il Centro Associato di Navarra della Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. È stato visiting professor presso numerose università estere. Le sue ricerche hanno per oggetto la storia politica e sociale della Navarra nei secoli XIX e XX. Tralasciando i numerosi articoli, tra le sue monografie sono da segnalare: La guerra de la Independencia en Navarra. La acción del Estado (Pamplona, 1977); El siglo XIX en Navarra (Pamplona, 1994); La Dictadura de Primo de Rivera en Navarra. Claves políticas (Pamplona, 1995), Cien años de Fiscalidad en Navarra 1841-1941 (Pamplona, 1998), Fiscalidad y Foralidad 1941-2000, (Pamplona, 2003), Guerra y Revolución en Navarra, 1808-1814 (Pamplona, 2010). Fa parte del Consejo de Educación y Cultura del Governo di Navarra ed è vicepresidente della Sociedad de Estudios Históricos di Navarra.




How to Cite

“La Guerra de Napoleón en Navarra (1808-1814)”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 40, pp. 7–32, Dec. 2011, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: