“Unos viejos amigos en horas difíciles”. La derrota del Eje y la persecución aliada de los fugitivos de guerra en la Barcelona de 1945


  • Javier Tébar Hurtado Università Rovira i Virgili


“Old friends in hard times”. The defeat of the Axis and allied prosecution of war refugees in Barcelona in 1945

The meaning of some incidents that took place in Barcelona and whose effects go far beyond the Catalan capital city, is analyzed in this article in order to explore the contradictions the Francoist authorities were faced with since World War II ended in Europe in May 1945. The aim of the article is to look at how several sec- tors of the Spanish political leadership were put under pressure by their allies, how and with what consequences they tried to protect the “old friends” they had made when they supported the Axis powers.

Received: 18-09-2011

Author Biography

  • Javier Tébar Hurtado, Università Rovira i Virgili

    Javier Tébar Hurtado, addottoratosi in storia presso l’Università Autonoma di Barcellona, insegna attualmente all’Università Rovira i Virgili di Tarragona. Ha recentemente curato Dietari de postguerra del baró d’Esponellà, 1940-1945 (2010), El Movimiento Obrero en la gran ciudad. De la movilización sociopolítica a la crisis económica (Barcelona, El Viejo topo, 2011) ed è autore di Barcelona anys blaus. El governador Correa Veglison: poder i política franquistes, 1940- 1945 (Barcelona, Flor del viento, 2011).


