¡Salvemos los niños rusos! La Iglesia española y la campaña pontificia en la URSS (1922-1924)


  • José Ramón Rodríguez Lago Università di Vigo


Spanish Church, Hunger in Russia, Nuncio Tedeschini, Primo de Rivera, Pontifical Rescue, Rostov-on-the-Don


Let us rescue Russian children! The Spanish Church and the pontifical campaign in the USSR (1922-1924)

The support provided by the Spanish Church to the humanitarian campaign conducted by the pontifical authorities in Russia between 1922 and 1924 allows examining the prevailing mindset and the pastoral strategies adopted by the nuncio, the episcopal hierarchy, religious congregations and major lay organizations. The mission established by Spanish clergymen in Rostov-on-Don and the negotiations on the recognition of the Soviet regime were part of a pontifical diplomatic strategy hardly accepted by most catholics.

Received: 17-11-2011

Author Biography

  • José Ramón Rodríguez Lago, Università di Vigo

    José Ramón Rodríguez Lago si è addottorato in storia presso l’Università di Santiago de Compostela e insegna Storia contemporanea all’Università di Vigo. Studioso dei rapporti fra le istituzioni religiose e i processi sociali, economici e politici dell’età contemporanea, ha pubblicato: La Iglesia en la Galicia del franquismo. Clero secular y Acción Católica en la Galicia del nacional-catolicismo, 1936-1965 (A Coruña, Ediciós do Castro, 2004) e, dopo aver svolto ricerche nell’Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Cruzados o herejes. La religión, la Iglesia y los católicos en la Galicia de la guerra civil (Pontevedra, Nigratrea, 2010).




How to Cite

“¡Salvemos los niños rusos! La Iglesia española y la campaña pontificia en la URSS (1922-1924)”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 42, pp. 27–47, Dec. 2012, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/225