La tasca de salvament de vides del Consolat italià de Barcelona (juliol-novembre 1936). Evacuacions d’italians, catalans i milers d’estrangers
Barcelona, Italian Consulate, Evacuation, Civil War, ViolenceAbstract
The life rescue activity of the Italian consulate in Barcelona (July-November 1936). Evacuations of Italians, Catalans and thousands of foreigners
As a result of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, foreigners and Spaniards fled from the Republican area. At that time, when Barcelona and Catalonia hosted more than half of the Italian expatriates who lived in Spain, the Italian consulate played a crucial role in the evacuation of those who were most involved in fascism or in business. Moreover, the evacuation operations coordinated by consul Carlo Bossi, just like those of French consuls, helped thousand of Catalans and Spaniards flee. These exiles, who mainly belonged to conservative groups, were running away from the country due to their loss of social and political control, as well as threats and murders that were being committed against them.
Received: 09-03-2013
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