Migrantes, fronteras y fascismos. El control de los desplazamientos por parte del régimen franquista, 1939-1965


  • Martí Marín Corbera Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Francoism, Migrants, Population Control Policies


Migrants, frontiers and Fascisms. The Francoist regime movement control, 1939- 1965

The New Francoist State had two closely related priorities: to complete the repression of the defeated and to complete the creation of a territorial government structure. The latter aim was clearly urgent for political consolidation purposes, and it was not viable without the former, i.e. the isolation and, if needed, the     elimination of the opposition, as well as the depuration of the public administration and of the civil society. Since the very beginning, the regime was especially keen on reducing population movements — except for repatriations — in order to facilitate repression. Everybody had to be probed and, if necessary, put to trial where they were known. This restrictive policy on population movements (domestic and abroad) was soon strengthened by military reasons when the Second World War started and when the Maquis was created. It culminated in arrests and deportations of migrants back to their places of origin and in the establishment of a concentration camp for illegal people in Barcelona. In addition, the regime implemented a personal identification policy which led to the introduction of a new ID card (Documento Nacional de Identidad, DNI), which was inspired on police records, contained fingerprints, and was mandatory for all the adult population.

Received: 02-12-2014

Author Biography

  • Martí Marín Corbera, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

    Martí Marín es profesor titular del Departament d’Història Moderna i Contemporània de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) y miembro del Centre d’Estudis sobre les Èpoques Franquista i Democràtica (UAB-CEFID). Especialista en el período franquista, sus obras más recientes son: Història del franquisme a Catalunya (Barcelona, 2006) y — junto con Manel Risques — Montjuïc: Memòries en conflicte. El castell, la muntanya i la ciutat (Barcelona, 2008). Director de La Guerra Civil a Catalunya (1936-1939), vol. 5, Els papers de Salamanca (Barcelona, 2006) y Memòries del viatge, 1940-1975 (Sant Adrià de Besòs, 2009). Ha publicado en las revistas “L’Avenç”, “Recerques”, “Hispania”, “Estudis d’història agrària”, “Historia social” e “Historia y Política”, entre otras, y partecipado en los volúmenes Transformacions: literatura i canvi sociocultural dels anys setanta ençà (València, 2010); Comme une étoffe déchirée. Les Catalognes avant et après le Traité des Pyrenées (Perpinyà, 2012); Barcelona malgrat el franquisme. La SEAT, la ciutat i la represa sense democràcia (Barcelona, 2012) y Falange. Las culturas políticas del fascismo en la España de Franco, 1936-1975 (Zaragoza, 2013).




How to Cite

“Migrantes, fronteras y fascismos. El control de los desplazamientos por parte del régimen franquista, 1939-1965”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 47, pp. 79–94, Jul. 2015, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/178