«Spagna indomita». Rapporti tra anarchismo italiano e spagnolo nell’immediato secondo dopoguerra


  • Marco Novarino Università degli Studi di Torino


Italian Anarchism, Movimiento Libertario Español, Opposition to Francoism


«Untamed Spain». The relations between Italian and Spanish anarchists in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War

In 1945, with the final defeat of Nazi-Fascists, Italian anarchism was re-founded and it re-established brotherly contacts with its Spanish counterpart, which was still fighting against the Francoist dictatorship both from the exile and in Spain. This fight reached its climax between 1945 and 1950.

The presence of veterans from the Spanish Civil war among major Italian anarchist personalities, but especially the echoes of the events that took place between July 1936 and May 1937, boosted the debate in Italy and the relations between the two movements. Since the beginning, a number of strategic differences emerged, especially on the role of organized structures within anarchism and the presence within the workers’ movement of an anarchist trade union. However, this did not jeopardize solidarity towards the Movimiento Libertario Español and anti-Francoist fight in general, which resulted in affiliation to solidarity associations (even non-anarchist ones), as well as oral and written propaganda. Even the so-called «propaganda with deeds» was adopted, as happened in 1949 with the demonstrative attack against the Spanish Consulate in Genoa.

Received: 30-01-2015

Author Biography

  • Marco Novarino, Università degli Studi di Torino

    Marco Novarino è attualmente ricercatore di Storia contemporanea presso il Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature straniere e Culture Moderne dell’Università di Torino. Si occupa principalmente di iberismo storico contemporaneo, della storia dell’associazionismo laico e cremazionista, e della massoneria italiana e spagnola. È stato tra i fondatori di “Spagna contemporanea”, di cui fin dall’inizio è membro del comitato di redazione. Direttore del Centro di ricerche storiche sulla libera-muratoria, ha appena pubblicato Compagni e liberi muratori. Socialismo e massoneria dalla nascita del PSI alla Grande guerra (Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2015). La sua bio-bibliografia è reperibile sul sito www.spagnacontemporanea.it.


