Una rivoluzione in cerca di una nazione. Il fascismo sui generis di Santiago Montero Díaz


  • Xosé M. Núñez Seixas Università Ludwig-Maximilian di Monaco di Baviera


Nationalism, Fascism, Communism, Ideological Drifts


A Revolution in Search of a Nation. The Peculiar Fascism of Santiago Montero Diaz

The article deals with the political trajectory of Santiago Montero Díaz, who, during the first half of the Thirties, from communism and a certain cultural galicianism passed to fascism in the version of Ledesma Ramos. He did not accept the merger with Spanish Falange, but he remained faithful to the fascist essence during and after the Civil War. From the middle of the Fifties he took position increasingly critical with the Franco regime, showing a new approach to the cultural galicianism.

Received: 25-04-2015

Author Biography

  • Xosé M. Núñez Seixas, Università Ludwig-Maximilian di Monaco di Baviera

    Xosé M. Núñez Seixas è Professore ordinario di Storia Contemporanea presso l’Università di Santiago de Compostela e, dall’ottobre 2012, di Storia Contemporanea dell’Europa presso l’Università       Ludwig-Maximilian di Monaco di Baviera. Tra i suoi ultimi libri ricordiamo La sombra del César. Santiago Montero Díaz, una biografía entre la nación y la revolución (Granada, 2012), Icônes littéraires et stéréotypes sociaux. L’image des immigrants galiciens en Argentine, 1800-1960 (Besançon, 2013) e Las utopías pendientes. Una breve historia del mundo desde 1945 (Barcelona, 2015).


