Fra tradizione e rivoluzione: Onésimo Redondo e la percezione della Nuova Spagna (1931-1936)


  • Matteo Tomasoni Università di Valladolid


Fascism, National-syndicalism, JONS, Revolution, Corporatism, Castile


Between Tradition and Revolution: Onésimo Redondo and the Perception of the Nueva España (1931-1936)

The contribution of Onésimo Redondo in the development of Spanish fascism was decisive, although his political thought can be considered limited and sometimes also incomplete. In spite of that, Redondo developed a doctrine that was able to bring together tradition and revolution, without losing the possibility to defend the Catholic essence of a country that — in his opinion — needs regeneration. Because of that, his participation into national-syndicalist movement was immediate, although he had to submit to the political demands dictated by the moment.

Received: 25-04-2015

Author Biography

  • Matteo Tomasoni, Università di Valladolid

    Matteo Tomasoni è Dottore di ricerca presso l’Università di Valladolid dove ha discusso la sua tesi sulla traiettoria biografica di Onésimo Redondo. È membro dell’Asociación de Historia Actual e del Seminario Interuniversitario de Investigadores del Fascismo (SIdIF). Ha pubblicato numerosi articoli in riviste specializzate in Italia e in Spagna. È redattore delle riviste “Diacronie – Studi di storia contemporanea” e “Zibaldone. Estudios italianos”.


