La sospettosa Spagna negli anni del neocentrismo italiano


  • Laura Branciforte Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Centrismo, De Gasperi Era, Communism, Suspicion, political Catholicism


The suspicious Spain in the years of Italian neocentrismo

This article describes the Spanish perspective on the complex political situation in Italy during the transition from the first to the second legislature. While the De Gasperi era was coming to an end, government instability ushered in unpredictable change. We will see that the end of De Gasperi’s leadership was regarded in Spain as a moment of particular instability, whereas the new government led by Giuseppe Pella was welcomed with enthusiasm. From a Spanish perspective, the Christian Democracy appeared to have permanently corrupted Italy with the incurable ills of «freemasonry», «Communism», «political pluralism» and «laxity»

Received: 09-07-2015

Admitted: 05-09-2015

Author Biography

  • Laura Branciforte, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Laura Branciforte insegna Storia Contemporanea alla Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Ha studiato presso la Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia di Catania e presso la DeMontfort University of Leicester. Le sue principali pubblicazioni si sono occupate della storia delle donne durante il fascismo e dell’antifascismo europeo.




How to Cite

“La sospettosa Spagna negli anni del neocentrismo italiano”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 49, pp. 47–67, Jul. 2016, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: