Fernando de los Rios y el “Washington Post”


  • Juan Carlos Merino Morales Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Fernando de los Ríos, “The Washington Post”, Press, Spanish Civil War, Embargo


Fernando de los Ríos and “The Washington Post”

The press is an excellent resource for research on diplomatic history and international relations since it helps clarify information coming from memoranda, telegrams and bilateral talk records. For this reason and in order to gain insight on the role played by Fernando de los Ríos as Spanish Ambassador in the United States, a leading American newspaper, “The Washington Post”, has been analyzed.

Received: 28-01-2015

Admitted: 15-04-2016

Author Biography

  • Juan Carlos Merino Morales, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Juan Carlos Merino Morales svolge attualmente ricerche su Fernando de los Ríos, la Guerra civile e gli Stati Uniti nell’ambito del dottorato di ricerca del Dipartimento di Storia contemporanea dell’Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Nel contempo partecipa al progetto di ricerca HAR-2013-43152-R, Imágenes y percepciones. La inserción de España en el mundo actual del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Ha trascorso un periodo di studio presso la Georgetown University di Washington (2013) ed è cofondatore e condirettore della “Revista Historia Autónoma”.


