Le commemorazioni del 1714 e del 1914 nella narrativa politica e istituzionale catalana


  • Paola Lo Cascio Universidad de Barcelona


Public Use of History, Catalan Nationalism, Public Opinion, Nation-Building.


Commemorations of 1714 and 1914 in the Catalan Political and Institutional Narrative

This paper focuses on the institutional activities of celebration of the two anniver- saries of 1714, year of the Bourbon victory in the Spanish Succession War and 1914, year of the constitution of the Mancomunitat de Catalunya, the first modern institution of catalan self-government. In a frame of a renewed interest (not only academic, but also of the general Catalan public opinion) on these two events and in a particularly significant political conjuncture — marked by the rise of the inde- pendence movement and the clear commitment of the Catalan institutions in this sense —, the goal is to conduct a reflection on the public use of history and the building of political and institutional narrative. In this context, it will be analyzed how the institutional attention devoted to these events has resulted in terms of public discourse.

Author Biography

  • Paola Lo Cascio, Universidad de Barcelona

    Paola Lo Cascio, ricercatrice dell’Instituto de Ciências Sociais dell’Universida- de de Lisboa (ICS-UL) e docente a contratto dell’Universitat de Barcelona. Membro del Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals de la UB (CEHI-UB) e del Grup de Recerca i Anàlisi del Mon Actual (GRANMA). È stata visiting lecturer presso diversi atenei (University of Cambridge; Roma Tre; La Sapienza; Universidade de Lisboa). È autrice di diverse monografie e articoli scientifici, fra cui: Nacionalisme i Autogovern (Valencia, 2008); Economía franquista y corrupción, in collaborazione con Andreu Mayayo e José Manuel Rúa (Barcelona, 2010); La guerra civile spagnola. Una storia del Novecento (Roma, 2013); Soldiers, Bombs and Rifles, in collaborazione con A. Segura e A. Pellegrini (Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2013).


