Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez and the European Christian Democracy Union (UECD): An Utopian Voice during the Transition of European Christian Democrats in the Seventies


  • Adrián Magaldi Fernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Christian Democracy, Europe, Spain, European Union of Christian Democrats, Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez


Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez and the European Christian Democracy Union (UECD): An Utopian Voice during the Transition of European Christian Democrats in the Seventies

During the 1970s, European Christian democracy experienced a relative crisis that forced it to reflect on its own identity. In this process, the Spaniard Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez, actor and privileged witness of the debates that arose in the UEDC, played a prominent role. Through unpublished material from his personal archive, this article aims to approach the proposals and alternatives that emerged during that time, when Ruiz-Giménez represented the voice of an idealism that was soon classified as utopian.

Received: 2022/11/10

Admitted: 2023/12/11


Author Biography

  • Adrián Magaldi Fernández, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Adrián Magaldi Fernández ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Storia contemporanea presso l’Università della Cantabria. Le sue linee di ricerca hanno riguardato la Storia del franchismo e della transizione democratica spagnola, l’evoluzione del centro politico e della destra, con particolare attenzione all’area cattolica. Su questi temi ha pubblicato vari articoli su riviste accademiche come “Ayer”, “Historia Contemporánea” o “Historia del Presente”. Inoltre, è autore della monografia El arte de perder. Alfonso Osorio, una biografía en transición (Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2022) e co-coordinatore del volume Travesías biográficas. Un diálogo interdisciplinar (Santander, Editores Universidad de Cantabria, 2022). Attualmente ha una borsa post-dottorato Juan de la Cierva presso l’Università Complutense di Madrid.



How to Cite

“Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez and the European Christian Democracy Union (UECD): An Utopian Voice during the Transition of European Christian Democrats in the Seventies”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 64, pp. 129–151, Feb. 2024, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: