La ideología de la derecha liberal en la España de la Segunda República (1931-1936)


  • Luis Iñigo Fernández


La ideología de la derecha liberal en la España de la Segunda República (1931-1936)

The Spanish liberal right was a group with scarce social support and limited influence in the Second Republic’s Cortes. But the group was very homogeneous in its ideology, which was republican and aiming to a politically democratic regime, but without any party’s programme. The group was for a conservative libera- lism both in the economic and political, mitigated the first with some harmoni- sing interventions, and the second with a moderate laicism in the State’s affairs.

Biografia autore

  • Luis Iñigo Fernández

    Luis Iñigo Fernández si è laureato nel 1989 alla Universidad Complutense di Madrid, e addottorato presso la UNED nel 1999 con la tesi Republicanos de orden. Liberales demócratas, progresistas y conservadores durante la Segunda República española (1931-1936). Ha pubblicato diversi articoli sulla storia della Seconda repubblica, con particolare attenzione ai partiti repubblicani di destra, e altri lavori sulla didattica della storia.

