Alemania y la guerra civil española: información y propaganda


  • Ingrid Schulze-Schneider Università Complutense


Alemania y la guerra civil española: información y propaganda

The article studies the propaganda strategies employed in Spain by Hitler’s régime during the Spanish Civil War, nearly always with the approval and cooperation of Franco’s authorities. The Nazi party representatives in Spain and important members of the German embassy in Madrid launched many campaigns in 1936-1939, not only in favour of Germany, but also for strengthening Franco’s government. To do that they used all existing communication media, most importantly Radio Nacional de España, that was created thanks to the supply of the broadcasting equipments by Germany, and by the cooperation of the press agencies of both countries.

Biografia autore

  • Ingrid Schulze-Schneider, Università Complutense

    Ingrid Schulze-Schneider dirige il Dipartimento di Historia de la Comunicación Social nella facoltà di Ciencias de la Información dell’Università Complutense. È specialista di storia del giornalismo e storia della propaganda e su questi argomenti ha pubblicato diversi articoli e libri. In tempi recenti ha volto la propria attenzione ai fenomeni bellici, come confermano le sue pubblicazioni più recenti El poder de la propaganda en las guerras del siglo XIX (2001); La prensa político-militar en el reinado de Alfonso XIII (2003).

