Burguesía y religiosidad popular en la España meridional del siglo XIX


  • Emilio Luis Lara López


Burguesía y religiosidad popular en la España meridional del siglo XIX

In the XIXth Century popular religiousness as performed by the penitential brotherhoods evolved following the society’s socio-economical changes, and thus in the first third of the century they kept the ideology and mores inherited from the Baroque. During the stormy reign of Fernando VII the brotherhoods were faithful defenders of the old order, identifying themselves with the most reactionary stan- ces of the Church. But during Isabel II’s reign there was a radical change, as in this period the bourgeoisie began entering into the government of the brotherhoods, and started moulding a popular religiousness akin to their social interests. In the revolutionary Sexenio the brotherhoods fought against anticlericalism increasing the luxury of their outdoor rituals. And lastly, during the Restoration, the conservative bourgeois Catholicism will discover in popular religiousness a capital way for defending in Southern Spain the existing political régime.

Biografia autore

  • Emilio Luis Lara López

    Emilio Luis Lara López, dopo essersi laureato in lettere presso l’Università di Jaén ha conseguito il dottorato in Antropologia interdisciplinare presso la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. Attualmente insegna storia e geografia nella scuola media superiore. Le sue ricerche vertono sulla religiosità popolare, gli afrancesados e la storia della fotografia. Su questi argomenti ha pubblicato numerosi articoli in diverse riviste spagnole, e alcuni volumi, di cui il più recente è La religiosidad popular pasionista contemporánea (Jaén 1859-1978). Una historia a través de la fotografía como documento histórico (Jaén, 2003). 



Come citare

“Burguesía y religiosidad popular en la España meridional del siglo XIX ”, Spagna contemporanea, no. 27, pp. 55–69, Jul. 2005, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.spagnacontemporanea.it/index.php/spacon/article/view/444