Los franceses y la crisis de la Ilustración en España
Los franceses y la crisis de la Ilustración en España
Madrid, as the seat of the Court as well as of the wealthiest noblemen and clergy, became the biggest place for consumption and main financial market, attracting many migrants who set up communities of nacionales and powerful social and financial networks. This was the case of the French. From the decade of 1760 on, the Spanish reformist policy shifted to nationalism, splitting up from France but paradoxically searching for cash within the trade and financial French companies in Madrid, thas upsetting the Navarrese and Vasque financial groups. The French, provided cash and access to the European debt market at Amsterdam, partly taking in exchange important commercial privileges in America. The French Revolution triggered the expulsion of French people from Spain (1791-1813) through the control and subsequent send-off of residents, the bankruptcy of many French companies at Madrid and Amsterdam (1791-1794) and new “patriotic” local actions of expulsion during the War of Independence (1808-1814).
Copyright (c) 2005 Istituto di studi storici Gaetano Salvemini, Torino
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